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Online Business Training

Kickstart Your Online Business Dreams!

Ever fantasized about launching your own online venture? Now’s your chance to turn that dream into reality! While I’m busy crafting a comprehensive training program, I’m thrilled to offer personalized guidance to a select few eager entrepreneurs.

Here’s the deal: if your business idea or product has that spark of brilliance, I’ll share my decades of online marketing expertise with you, absolutely free. We might even build your website together, all I ask for is a little shout-out in return!

Who am I? I’m Glenn Madden, a digital nomad currently exploring the vibrant landscapes of Indonesia. I’m passionate about helping aspiring entrepreneurs like you navigate the exciting world of online business.

So, if you’re ready to take that first step, drop me a line at Just a heads up, I’m an English-speaking American, so keep in mind the time difference when reaching out!

Let’s make your online business dreams take flight – together!

Phone: +62 85 865 670 655

TradUR training program for online business involves several key steps:

  1. Target Audience:
    • It will be designed for beginners, intermediate sellers, those focusing on a specific platform (e.g., Etsy, Shopify)?
    • We will offer various levels based on your knowledge level and specific needs.
  2. Focus Area:
    • Whether you are starting an online store, marketing strategies, product sourcing, financial management, or a specific skill like SEO?
    • Start with one focused area and expand later to avoid overwhelming learners.
  3. Curriculum:
    • It will be broken down into your chosen topic into modules or lessons.
    • Each module will have clear learning objectives and actionable takeaways.
    • We will use a mix of formats: videos, text, quizzes, downloadable resources, etc.
  4. Engaging Content:
    • High-quality videos with good audio and visuals.
    • Text will be concise, well-formatted, and easy to scan.
    • Using real-life examples, case studies, and success stories to make it relatable.
    • Incorporate interactive elements like quizzes, polls, or assignments to keep learners engaged.
  5. Delivery Platform:
    • Will provide options like:
      • Learning Management Systems (LMS): These platforms offer course hosting, progress tracking, and student management features. (e.g., Moodle, Teachable)
      • Membership Sites: Good for ongoing training and community building. (e.g., MemberPress, WildApricot)
      • Video Hosting Platforms: If your course is mainly video-based, YouTube or Vimeo might suffice.
      • TradUR Website: Gives you full control, but requires technical setup.
  6. Provide Ongoing Support:
    • Offer Q&A sessions, live webinars, or a community forum where students can interact with you and each other.
    • Consider offering one-on-one coaching or mentorship as an upsell.
    • Update your course content regularly to keep it relevant and valuable.
  7. Gather Feedback and Iterate:
    • Ask for student feedback through surveys or polls to improve your course over time.
    • Track completion rates and learner engagement to identify areas that need improvement.

Additional options:

  • Invest in quality equipment: A good microphone and camera are essential for video creation.
  • Practice your presentation skills: If you’re not comfortable on camera, practice until you feel confident.
  • Offer a money-back guarantee: This builds trust and can encourage hesitant buyers.
  • Collaborate with other experts: Partnering with others can expand your reach and add credibility.

By following these steps and continuously improving our training program, we will create a valuable resource for aspiring online entrepreneurs and establish ourself as an authority in the field.